As MSHA’s leadership has traveled the country in recent months, one area of concern they raised repeatedly was powered haulage accidents. Now, the agency is focusing more attention on this “priority issue” with its upcoming quarterly stakeholder call.
On Monday, April 30th, from 1pm to 2pm Eastern time, Assistant Secretary David G. Zatezalo will lead off MSHA’s discussion and participate in a Q&A session at the end. In between, MSHA “safety experts will describe recent accidents involving these problem areas as well as technological solutions that encourage safe behavior.” MSHA will also share some of the “dozens” of suggestions and best practice ideas it says it has received from stakeholders recently.
The call will take place via WebEx. You can RSVP for the call here by 4/27/18. Connection information is as follows:
1. Join by WebEx:
- Meeting link: Join by WebEx
- Meeting number: 646 974 074
- Meeting password: M!ne2018
2. Join by phone
- Toll Free number: 800-779-2581
- Participant pass code: 8970557
Starting the morning of the call, you can access meeting materials on the MSHA Training Center webpage.