Photo of Christina Bruno

Christina assists clients with labor and employment matters, representing them in disputes and helping them avoid legal difficulties.

Christina came to the legal profession with a diverse background in the natural sciences, communications, education and career advising—in fact, her own interest in law stemmed from her experience and research while advising pre-law undergraduates. As a law student herself, she was drawn to labor and employment law after encountering a passionate Husch Blackwell L&E attorney who loved the practice area.

Christina soon discovered that she loved it, too: she was fascinated by the opportunity to work in a field that touches so many people’s lives, and she values knowing that her counsel helps both employers and employees. Christina understands how deeply employees invest in their jobs, as well as what important investments employees are to their companies. Her aim is to help clients manage their most valuable asset, their staff, in the best interests of both parties.

After a season as a Husch Blackwell summer associate, Christina joined the firm as a full associate working on L&E cases, building a reputation as a professional who always gets the job done. She assists with a wide variety of matters, but she has a particular interest in employment discrimination. While her practice is usually focused on disputes and litigation—which she loves for its strategy—Christina also enjoys working with clients to help them avoid future problems.

The increase in the frequency of violent confrontations faced by healthcare workers in the workplace is prompting OSHA to pursue a standard for Prevention of Workplace Violence in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industries.   Healthcare workers have faced a significant increase (63% from 2011-2018) in the incidence of violent and aggressive acts in the workplace, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Association of American Medical Colleges. According to OSHA, “nonfatal workplace violence is more widespread in the Healthcare and Social Assistance Standard than in any other industry.”